SPE-Inspiring Plastics Professionals

SPE President-Elect Expectations and Recommended Skills

Role & Responsibilities:

The President-Elect is a member of the Board of Directors and provides support to the President and the Society as a whole. The President-Elect prepares for their term as President by, together with the Chief Staff Executive, leading the strategic planning process prior to the end of their term. The President-Elect is the successor to the President should the President not be able to complete their term or when the current President is not available to perform their duties.

General Expectations:

The Board of Directors of SPE is responsible for the overall management and success of the Society. This is a role that requires dedicated service and commitment. All Board of Directors activity shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the SPE Bylaws, SPE Operating Policies, and the general interests of the Society as a whole. Members of the Board of Directors are expected to be open-minded, good listeners, and willing to make decisions that are in the best interest of the Society.

  • Attendance - The Board of Directors meets at least monthly by teleconference (~2 hours per call) and about 4 times per year face-to-face (1.5-3 days per meeting). Your attendance is expected at each. Participation at Board of Directors, Council, and other designated meetings are required to ensure effective decision-making and to support effective communication.
  • Employer Support - Board of Directors meetings occur during regular business hours; candidates should confirm they have the support of their employer before applying. Some meetings will require travel. SPE hopes that your travel costs would be underwritten by your company, but if not SPE has funds available for reasonable travel-related expenses.
  • Time Commitment - In addition to participation in scheduled meetings, members of the Board of Directors are expected to contribute additional time in support of their assigned roles. The position represents a 3-year commitment.


A candidate must be an SPE member in good standing to be eligible.

The ideal candidate for President-Elect should have:

a) at least two (2) years of experience in the Board of Directors, and
b) be a current SPE Member in good standing

Desired Skills:

  • Personable and Professional
  • Effective Leader
  • Strategic Thinker
  • Business Savvy
  • Effective Communicator
  • Disciplined Planner
  • Media Savvy
  • Effective Organizer
  • Financially Savvy
  • Technically Savvy
  • Flexible and Creative
  • Good Listener
  • Respectful and Empathetic
  • Relationship Builder

Key Performance Indicators: 

  • Meeting Attendance
  • Program development/implementation consistent with established needs
  • Presence at SPE events
  • Membership Development/Retention
  • Support for fund raising
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