SPE WORKSHOP: Failure in Plastics

  SPE Workshop

Failure in Plastics

  March 17, 19, 24 & 26, 2025
  11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT

Next Lesson: Session 1 


This 4-part workshop series will cover a considerable range of topics important in understanding, diagnosing, and preventing plastic component failure. The most efficient and effective approach to plastic component failure is by performing a systematic failure analysis. Someone once said, “If you don’t know how something broke, you can’t fix it,” highlighting the importance of a thorough understanding of how and why a product has failed. This workshop will cover information required to gain this understanding.

At the end of the workshop, the attendees will understand:

  • Essentials of how and why plastic components fail,
  • The process for conducting a failure investigation and methods for understanding the mode and cause of product failure,
  • The five factors affecting plastic part performance,
  • The major plastic failure mechanisms,
  • The importance of ductile-to-brittle transitions and their role in plastic component failure,

The workshop will focus on practical problem-solving techniques and will utilize case studies to illustrate key aspects of plastic failure and prevention. Through the course we will explore efficient and effective methods for responding to a failed plastic component.


(Click each session to expand)
February 3, 2025
Duration: 1 Hour


  • TBA

Go to Session 1 

February 4, 2025
Duration: 1 Hour


  • TBA

Go to Session 2 

February 5, 2025
Duration: 1 Hour


  • TBA

Go to Session 3 

February 7, 2025
Duration: 1 Hour


  • TBA

Go to Session 4 


If you can't attend one or several sessions live, or if you want to review some concepts, the recordings will be available after each session.

  Registration Information

SPE Premium Member $720
SPE Members $800
Nonmembers $1,000

  Register Now

Not an SPE member? Join today and attend this workshop at a discounted rate!

4 Sessions
Level: Intermediate
Total Hours: 4 Hours
Streaming access on desktop and mobile browsers


Jeff Jansen
Engineering Manager
The Madison Group

Jeffrey A. Jansen is the Engineering Manager and a Partner at The Madison Group, an independent plastics engineering and consulting firm. Jeff is a proven plastic professional with more than 30 years of experience solving problems and addressing opportunities related to polymeric materials. He specializes in failure analysis, material identification and selection, as well as compatibility, aging, and lifetime prediction studies for thermoplastic materials. Jeff has performed over 5,000 investigations, both for industrial clients and as a part of litigation. He is a regular presenter on the SPE webinar series, covering a wide range of topics related to plastics failure, material performance, testing, and polymer technology. Jeff is a graduate of Carroll College and the Milwaukee School of Engineering.

  Questions? Contact:

For questions, contact Iván D. López.

Who Should Attend?

Target audience are those responsible for the design and quality of plastic components and equipment using plastic parts. This includes automotive, medical, appliance, aerospace, electronics industries. Typical titles would be plastic engineers, engineering managers, quality engineers, reliability engineers, and design engineers.

  • Are you struggling with a rise in product recalls, damaging your brand reputation and affecting your business?
  • Do you depend on critical plastic components, and their failures disrupt your operations?
  • Have you invested time and money in resolving plastic component issues, only to encounter repeated setbacks?
  • Are you a designer looking to anticipate potential failures during the design phase?
  • Are you a consultant managing challenges related to plastic components?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this workshop is designed specifically for you. Delve into root cause analysis, discover solutions, and enhance your expertise in addressing plastic component failures.

Why Should You Attend?

Risk Management: Learning about failures equips individuals with the knowledge to identify and mitigate potential risks. Proactive risk management is crucial for making informed decisions and ensuring the success of projects and initiatives.

Professional Development: Attending workshops focused on industry failures enhances professional skills and expertise. The knowledge gained can be applied in various roles, contributing to career growth and development.

Product Development and Quality Assurance: Individuals involved in product development and quality assurance can benefit by understanding common failures in plastics. This knowledge aids in designing more robust products and implementing effective quality control measures.

This educational program is provided as a service of SPE. The views and opinions expressed on this or any SPE educational program are those of the Speaker(s) and/or the persons appearing with the Speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. (SPE) or its officials, employees or designees. To comment or to present an opposing or supporting opinion, please contact us at info@4SPE.org.

Refund Policy

30 days prior to the event start date a full refund minus a $50 processing fee will be granted. No refunds after. Please contact customerrelations@4spe.org for assistance with registration.

Copyright & Permission to Use

SPE may take photographs and audio/video recordings during the conference, pre-conference meetings and receptions that may include attendees within sessions, networking areas, exhibition areas, and other areas associated with the conference both inside and outside of the venue. By registering for this event, all attendees are providing permission for SPE to use this material at its discretion on SPE's websites, marketing materials, and publications. SPE retains ownership of copyright to all photographs and audio/video recording obtained at this event and attendees may request copies of any material in which they are included.

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  1. No discussion among members, volunteers, or staff, which attempts to arrive at any agreement regarding prices, terms or conditions of sale, distribution, volume, territories, or customers;
  2. No activity or communication which might be construed as an attempt to prevent any person or business entity from gaining access to any market or customer for goods or services or any business entity from obtaining services or a supply of goods;
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