SPE Supports Plastics Professionals During Financial Hardship

Although the unemployment rate is currently at 3.4%, its lowest since 1969(1), few people feel completely immune from a potential job loss or other financial hardships. With the looming possibility of recession, and recent layoffs by some of plastics’ biggest employers, SPE is prepared to support industry professionals in their times of need.

SPE is offering new and renewed memberships at no cost, for those faced with sudden loss of income due to unemployment or other financial hardships.

“SPE is dedicated to the success of everyone in the plastics industry,” said Patrick Farrey, SPE’s CEO. “Unforeseen negative events can be devastating, and are disruptive to a person’s career journey. At a time when they have the greatest need for SPE’s services, and perhaps can’t afford them, plastics professionals can stay connected and involved in the industry by taking advantage of this program. SPE can help people find their next job, keep them connected to peers, help them stay up-to-date on their technical learning, and support their continued career advancement.”

SPE creates many networking opportunities for plastics professionals, through in-person and virtual programs on the international and local levels. Knowledge-building and educational events are a great way to connect with peers and expand personal networks. All SPE events are listed at www.4spe.org/Events

SPE also hosts a robust member directory to connect people according to their criteria. Search for colleagues by name, company, job title, location, industry and more, and message them through the SPE site or using their listed personal contact info.

Continuing Education
SPE can help plastics professionals build their knowledge base through technical and soft skill webinars, access to peer-reviewed plastics technology and scientific journals, Plastics Engineering magazine, as well as SPE newsletters, Plastics Insight and SPE News. Each help professionals stay up-to-date and knowledgeable about all things plastics industry-related, which keeps candidates well-informed as they seek future employment. SPE’s Library is a large database of published research and development work in polymer science and plastics technology that can help grow knowledge relevant to the plastics field.

SPE also helps professionals prepare for leadership roles through its Essentials of Management & Leadership in Plastics, a new program for those who are looking to become leaders or strengthen their leadership skills at their company (current or future) as well as in the plastics industry.

Plastics Employment Opportunities
SPE’s niche job board, at www.4spe.org/careers, offers a focused job search, specifically for positions in the plastics industry. The site provides plastics professionals opportunities to search through job postings (at no cost), post resumes, and access free and other for-fee products and services above and beyond job listings and resume posting. The site also offers professional resume and cover letter writing services.

For those experiencing a job loss, request a one-year SPE membership (or renewal) at no charge by going to www.4spe.org/here4you.

(1) Statement by US Secretary of Labor Walsh on January Jobs Report, US Department of Labor

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