SPE Thermoset TOPCON

April 30–May 1, 2024 at 7:00 AM–4:30 PM CDT
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, Wisconsin

About the Thermoset TOPCON

Thermosets are the fastest growing material technology in the plastics industry today. The SPE Thermoset Division TopCon features keynotes, panel discussions, technical presentations and exhibits on the latest advancements in thermoset technologies including materials, processes and equipment for multiple industries. Networking breakfasts, lunches and receptions add to the value of the event. A Golf Outing, Academia and/or Industry Tour and a Cruise on a Private Yacht along the shores of Lake Monona are being planned to add more value and fun to this great event!

Save the Date!

More Information at spethermosets.org/topcon

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