2024 Election for SPE Board of Directors

Candidates for Board of Directors

2024 Candidates for Board of Directors - Harrison Yu

2024 Election for SPE Board of Directors

Harrison Yu


SPE Director Nominee


Paradigm Thinker


  • Science Discovery Creation Create Paradigm of Word and Digital Era, Thinking System. 
  • Technology Invention Innovation, Governing, and Business model. 
  • Enterprise (Three steps plan for realizing a 10 trillion US$ market scale within 10 years, starting from 2024.) Enterprise in Brainology, upgrading from behavior psychology.

Bondable Biopolymers
Founder and CEO


  • Science Discovery After activation, biopolymers have long relaxation times and low crystallization rates during processing. Definition of Biopolymers: Biopolymers are polymers having long relaxation times and low crystallization rates after activation. 
  • Technology Invention, granted US patent on processing technology of making products from biopolymers and additives. Bio additives can be loaded into the amorphous structures of the fibers and the opening up structures of biopolymer molecules at room T and the natural environment during processing. 
  • Enterprise Products: Additives can be released both rapidly and gradually from products. Biocompatibility, biodegradability, bioabsorbability, strength, and control release biomedicines are all offered in one single fiber product. 

Biopharma Division of Thermo Fisher Scientific, 2002-2008, Senior Chemist (sent to work inside New Technology Division of Phillip Morris, as an expert of fiber-based control release products, made from plastics and additives) 


  • granted US Patents in Materials, Instrument and Machinery, Processing Technology, Devices and Consumer Products. 
  • new branded product R&D with realized market value of billion US$.

Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories
Senior Chemist
Dec 2002 - Dec 2008

Biopharma Division of Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Commercialized science/technology/engineering services inside the customer sites.
  • Generate improving inventions, develop/transfer technologies/know-how, and train employees; shoot troubles and reduce wastes with plant personnel
  • R&D shaped hollow/porous fiber/membrane/film products made from polymers/biopolymers and treated with microscale sorbent particles and/or solutions in vapor and liquid handling applications, control release, and eight granted US patents

Kelly Scientific Resources
Polymer Engineer


  • Commercialized science/technology/engineering services inside the customer sites
  • Investigated and Developed gas phase filtration devices made from shaped polymer articles, gel of silica, beads of carbon, and microscopic particles of metal

Alloy Polymers
Manufacturing Engineer and Production Manager

SPE Positions Held

  • Councilors from Polymer Analysis Division (PAD) 2016-2022
  • Virginia Section 2011-2016
  • Marketing & Management Division (MMD) 2006-2009
    • During the 2006 Spring SPE Council meeting, proposed to update Robert's Rules of Order into:
      • The will of the majority must be carried out.
      • The right of the minority must be protected.
      • The voice of the individual must be heard and protected as well. I wish that I had proposed that The voice of the individual must be heard, protected, and awarded as well then.
    • Proposal of co-located ANTEC and NPE was heard and carried out.
  • Chairman of SPE Global Leader Identification and Development Committee 2007 – 2008
    • Seed fund to identify and develop SPE global leaders
    • TOPCON 2013 (Shanghai of China) TPC (Technology Program Chair)
  • Member of Nominating Committee 2022 Brilliant idea, great story, and valuable services.
  • Polymer Analysis Division (PAD) 2005-present
    • Technology Program Chair 2008-2009 for ANTEC 2009(Chicago), and Chair of Board 2009-2010.
    • During ANTEC2009, PAD had a great reception with Industry and Academy hand in hand as its topic. Like the phrase chicken and egg going, Industry is the chicken laying down the eggs for the academy, and the academy foster the eggs and provide young professional for the industry. That is our sustainability.
  • Treasurer for SPE Student Chapter at the University of Akron 1998 - 1999 Member of SPE 1997-2000
    • Attended ANTEC1997 in Toronto of Canada,
    • ANTEC1998 in Atlanta of Georgia,
    • ANTEC1999 in New York City. 


The University of Akron
Master of SciencePolymer Engineering


 In a time when professional societies are facing the fastest-paced and most complex changes, leading certain services are valuable services. 2. Science discovery is able to turn uncertain into certain, providing leading and certain. 3. Knowledge and Network are two top services provided by SPE. 4. These two services have come to a tipping point. 5. Facing this tipping point, we need to provide knowledge all via direct factors and play positive games while networking. 

Additional Information

  • Student Chapter I joined SPE while pursuing my master degree at U of Akron. As a treasurer, I remember students then paid $10 to be a student member of SPE, and $20 can attend ANTEC, Student Chapter covering travel and hotel room fee. From ANTEC, student bring back three conference brochures (I, II, III) free, each of them 2-inches thick, information to support our degree theses writing. That is valuable knowledge. Many of us got job offers while attend receptions. So did I. Thank SPE for great networking.
  • Council Committee During CCOW meeting, each councilor had 10 mins to make proposal or just share some idea and story. Significant and valuable services can be produced, such as co-located ANTEC and NPE.
  • Division Level Reception during ANTEC, network Industry and Academy.
  • International Program Seed fund identify and develop global leaders to worldwide open new section offices and conferences.
  • Tipping Point I could go on and on with past glory times and events. Now, SPE is facing critical point. Fastest paced and most complex changes call for leading and certain. Science discovery is able to turn uncertain into certain, providing leading and certain. Facing this turning point, providing knowledge via direct factors, and playing positive games while networking will maximize the benefit of SPE.

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  1. No discussion among members, volunteers, or staff, which attempts to arrive at any agreement regarding prices, terms or conditions of sale, distribution, volume, territories, or customers;
  2. No activity or communication which might be construed as an attempt to prevent any person or business entity from gaining access to any market or customer for goods or services or any business entity from obtaining services or a supply of goods;
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