SPE National Week of Injection Molding |September 24–25, 2024 | Online

Together with SPE Injection Molding Division

National Week of Injection Molding 2024

About National Week of Injection Molding

National Week of Injection Molding 2024

About the Event

During the Week of Injection Molding, experts from the industry explored some of the most popular trends, techniques, and technologies that make Injection Molding one of the most versatile molding options available whether you're a student, molder, supplier, or OEM.

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Copyright & Permission to Use

SPE may take photographs and audio/video recordings during the event, pre-event meetings and receptions that may include attendees within sessions, networking areas, exhibition areas, and other areas associated with the event both inside and outside of the venue. By registering for this event, all attendees are providing permission for SPE to use this material at its discretion on SPE's websites, marketing materials, and publications. SPE retains ownership of copyright to all photographs and audio/video recording obtained at this event and attendees may request copies of any material in which they are included.

Anti-Trust Statement

  1. No discussion among members, volunteers, or staff, which attempts to arrive at any agreement regarding prices, terms or conditions of sale, distribution, volume, territories, or customers;
  2. No activity or communication which might be construed as an attempt to prevent any person or business entity from gaining access to any market or customer for goods or services or any business entity from obtaining services or a supply of goods;
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  4. No other activity which violates anti-trust or applicable laws aimed at preventing unfair competition.

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