Since SPE's Fellow of the Society was established in 1984, 368 members have been awarded this prestigious title.

To be elected Fellow of the Society, a candidate shall have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the field of plastics engineering, science or technology, or in the management of such activities. Criteria for eligibility for the Fellow of the Society means having accomplished a change in plastics engineering through advances in either the technology or its commercial practice, bringing significant benefit to the plastic and polymer industry. Substantial contributions include being an inventor, proprietor, creator or developer of a new concept or a driving force brought to practice, or a recognized leader of such an effort with responsibilities that go beyond the administrative, such that the accomplishment could not have been made without this individual’s dedicated performance. 

Fellow of the Society candidates must be sponsored by an SPE Division or Technical Interest Group and elected by the Fellows Election Committee on the basis of their professional record as well as written sponsorships from at least two SPE members. During the nomination process, the nominating organization designates a Process Champion to follow through with the application process.

Fellow of the Society Submission Guidelines:

Submission guidelines provide a roadmap to nominating a candidate for the Fellow of the Society. Download Fellow of the Society Submission Guidelines here.

Application Deadlines:

  • Completed application deadline: October 1
  • Information as requested by Fellows Election Committee Chair: November 1
  • Committee report forwarded to the Executive Board for endorsement: January
  • Presentation of Fellows certificates and pins - ANTEC®

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