Foams® 2022 - Conference, Tutorial & Exhibition

Student Poster Session

If you are a graduate or undergraduate student conducting research related to polymer foam, consider participating in the SPE FOAMS® 2022 Student Poster Session


How to Participate

  • Submit a 100-200 words abstract including title, authors and affiliation to Dr. Maxwell Wingert by August 23, 2022. Submissions are closed.
  • Create a poster that will fit in a 48” wide 36” tall space (you will receive an email from Dr. Wingert concerning details on poster mounting).
  • Print your poster and bring it to the first day of the conference.
Sept. 22
06:00 PM

Exhibitor and Poster Session Reception

Poster 1 -
Effects of Cellular Morphology on Heat Transfer of Closed-Cell and Reticulated Open-Cell Foam Insulation
Piyapong Buahom, University of Toronto, Canada
Poster 2 -
Improving Foamability and Toughness of PC by Nanofibrillar EPDM Network and Controlled Crystallinity
Hamidreza Akrami, University of Toronto, Canada
Poster 3 -
In-situ foam 3D printing of thermoplastics using material extrusion additive manufacturing
Karun Kalia, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Poster 4 -
PDMS-Based Multi-Layered Polymerized High Internal Phase Emulsions With Controllable Porosity And Strong Interfaces Using Thiol-Alkene “Click” Reactions.
Tucker J. McKenzie, University of Cincinnati, USA

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