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The SPE Library contains thousands of papers, presentations, journal briefs and recorded webinars from the best minds in the Plastics Industry. Spanning almost two decades, this collection of published research and development work in polymer science and plastics technology is a wealth of knowledge and information for anyone involved in plastics.

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Technical Article Briefs

Manufacturing and troubleshooting polymer-based photovoltaics
Tim Osswald, Sean Petzold , Chuan Wang, Abdullah S. Khazaal, November 2009

A new kind of solar cell, made of doped polymers, promises efficiencies competitive with those of conventional silicon solar cells, and is cheaper to fabricate.

Improving the properties of polylactic acid
Rahul Rasal, Douglas E. Hirt, October 2009

The toughness, stiffness, and strength of eco-friendly polymers can be modified without significantly affecting optical clarity.

Morphology for microcellular injection molding
Jingyi Xu, September 2009

Injection molding makes it possible to better control the structural alterations in microcellular foam, which can result in minimal material property changes for plastic parts.

Material characterization of novel bioplastics for food packaging
Yael Vodovotz, Sunny Modi, Kurt Koelling, September 2009

Composite polymers based on bioresins have attractive advantages, but require additional research for use in foodstuff industries.

Stiff, highly damping thermoplastic polyurethane nanolaminates
Daniel Schmidt, Erik Dunkerley, September 2009

A new class of high-clay-content nanocomposites not only combines transparency, stiffness, and good damping properties but are also easier to test than their conventional counterparts.

Structure and rheology correlation in polymer nanocomposites
Hassan Eslami, Miroslav Grmela, Mosto Bousmina, September 2009

Flow-reversal experiments and x-ray analysis show that the morphology of polymer nanocomposites evolves in time during and after processing.

Economics, sustainability, and the public perception of biopolymers
Roger Jones, July 2009

Biopolymers are a growing and useful sector of the plastics industry but are not a substitute for conventional polymers.

Evaluating dispersion in nanocomposites
Dagmar Carmele, Uwe Klemradt, Klaus Berdel, Athanassios Elas, Walter Michaeli, July 2009

Applying a combination of techniques to characterize polypropylene nanocomposites reveals critical aspects of the data analysis and sources of misinterpretation

Counterpressure for microcellular injection molding
Shia-Chung Chen, July 2009

Applying different gas pressures at the melt stage improves parts production by controlling foaming and viscosity.

Determining the quality of a failed PVC pipe
Javier Cruz, Paul Gramann, June 2009

A technique based on differential scanning calorimetry assesses the health of valuable pipes and fittings more accurately and quantitatively than current methods that use aggressive chemicals.

Predicting water vapor transmission rates for extrusion-coated papers
Kimmo Lahtinen, Jurkka Kuusipalo, June 2009

Food product quality can be improved using a statistical approach to modeling barrier properties for packaging materials based on experimental data.

Improving properties of microparts by slow cooling
Dietmar Drummer, Ariane Jungmeier , Gottfried W. Ehrenstein, June 2009

Significant structural and mechanical alterations can be caused by temperature changes associated with fabrication at very small dimensions, but they can also be mitigated through the use of low-thermally-conductive molds.

Lightweight nanocomposite hierarchical structures for blast mitigation
Andrey Beyle, Christopher Ibeh, Nanjia Zhou, June 2009

An energy-absorption approach to the design of protective panels produces polymeric materials that can withstand fire, smoke, and toxicity.

Using chemical blowing agents to make microcellular nanocomposites
Cristina Saiz, Eusebio Solorzano, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Perez, Jose Antonio de Saja, Paz Garcia, Juan Arevalo, June 2009

A novel experimental setup for producing foams offers the advantages of simplicity and improved properties over conventional means of fabrication.

Enhancing cost-efficient micro-molding production with liquid crystal polymers
Alberto Gava, Giovanni Lucchetta, June 2009

A liquid crystalline polymer is dispersed in a polyamide matrix in order to improve mold quality replication and reduce process costs.

Two-component injection molding: present and future perspectives
Aminul Islam, Hans Norgaard Hansen, June 2009

A technology that promises cost-effective and convergent manufacturing approaches for both macro and micro applications still has a way to go.

Sugar-powered fuel cells
H. Thomas Hahn, Hak-Sung Kim, Jongeun Ryu, June 2009

High-intensity light pulses provide a means of making nanoscale modifications to electrode surfaces that is fast, inexpensive, and green.

Maleated polystyrene improves the barrier properties of nanocomposites
Jorge Uribe-Calderon, Musa Kamal, June 2009

Polystyrene nanocomposites incorporating phosphonium-modified montmorillonite and a variety of polar compatibilizers have useful mechanical properties.

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Any article that is cited in another manuscript or other work is required to use the correct reference style. Below is an example of the reference style for SPE articles:

Brown, H. L. and Jones, D. H. 2016, May.
"Insert title of paper here in quotes,"
ANTEC 2016 - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA May 23-25, 2016. [On-line].
Society of Plastics Engineers
Available: www.4spe.org.

Note: if there are more than three authors you may use the first author's name and et al. EG Brown, H. L. et al.

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