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Conference Proceedings

Recycleability of Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites: Part 2 - The Influence of Multiple-Extrusions on Thermal and Rheological Properties
C.Y. Lew, W.R. Murphy, G.M. McNally, May 2004

Nylon-12 and nylon-12/clay nanocomposite were recycled by up to eleven times using the melt-extrusion process. Changes in thermal and rheological properties were investigated using DMTA, DSC, TGA, and capillary rheometry techniques. Both materials showed a gradual decrease in phase transition temperatures and storage modulus following repeated extrusions. In addition, the materials melt viscosity increased in response to successive reprocessing. Relative to the nylon-12, the melt viscosity of nanocomposites was reduced by more than 20% and their glass transition temperature was elevated by about 2.0 to 6.5degC depending on the number of extrusion cycles.

Representation of Polymer Melt Rheology Data
Eldridge M. Mount III, May 2004

Polymer melt Rheology data is often represented as a power law function or as a 6 constant polynomial when used in various flow or extrusion simulation packages. Both representations are inaccurate at various shear rates due to the functionality of the representation. With the introduction of more polymers showing broad Newtonian regions, the need for better constitutive representation is needed to accurately estimate viscosity as a function of shear rate and temperature in simulation packages. This paper will compare the fit of various equations and constitutive relations to capillary rheometer data for polymer melts to determine an efficient representation of the Newtonian and power law regions

Scale-Up Consideration for Polymerization in a Twin-Screw Extruder using 3-D Numerical Simulation
Linjie Zhu, K.A. Narh, Kun S. Hyun, May 2004

Scaling up a polymerization process in the fully filled screw elements of co-rotating twin-screw extruders was investigated with a 3-D Finite Volume Method. The simulation results show that, with identical mean residence time in the screw elements, the polymerization progression is accelerated when the screw diameter is increased. Moreover, the difference in conversion based on 1-D and 3-D models becomes more significant with increasing screw dimension, indicating that 1-D model can not predict the polymerization progression correctly in large extruders. The polymerization requires short screw length (L/D) to complete when the screw diameter is increased. This may be due to the fact that the heat loss through the barrel surface is more difficult to occur, and the non-uniformity in temperatures at the cross section of screw elements becomes more pronounced after scaling up.

Effect of Pre-made Compatibilizer and Reactive Polymers on Polymer Drop Breakup
Bin Lin, Uttandaraman Sundararaj, Frej Mighri, Michel A. Huneault, May 2004

The deformation and breakup of a single polymer drop with and without compatibilizer (pre-made or insitu) inside a polymer matrix at high temperatures under simple shear was visualized in a specially designed transparent Couette mixer. The uncompatibilized polymer systems studied were polyethylene matrix/polystyrene drop (PE/PS) and polyethylene matrix/polystyrene oxazoline drop (PE/PSOX). The compatibilized systems were PE/PS with polyethylene-block-polystyrene copolymer (P(E-b-S)) and PSOX with polyethylene maleic anhydride (PEMA).Two main kinds of breakup are observed: (a) with or without compatibilizer, the drop elongates in the vorticity direction and then breaks up in the same direction, and (b) in the presence of compatibilizer, a thin cylinder stretches and ruptures from the elongated mother drop in the vorticity direction.

Chemical Coupling of Rubber Polymers with Modified PTFE Micro Powder during the Rubber Mixing Process
Edmund Haberstroh, Christian Linhart, Dieter Lehmann, Bernd Klüpfel, Werner Hufenbach, Klaus Kunze, May 2004

A special mixing procedure has been developed for chemical coupling of PTFE micro particles with the polymeric matrix in rubber compounds. Beforehand the non-reactive PTFE is modified to enable the chemically coupling. It is supposed that parts with chemically bonded PTFE particles will show higher abrasion resistance and a better friction behavior compared to those with physically bonded particles. Thus the production of novel wear resistant elastomers should be possible.

Eliminating Interfacial Instability at PE/Tie Interface Using a Multi-Layer Stacked Coextrusion Die
Karen Xiao, May 2004

In multi-layer coextrusion, interfacial instability is a commonly encountered issue, which can limit the process operating windows. There are many factors that affect interfacial instability including material properties and die geometry. A Brampton Engineering 7-layer Stacked Coextrusion Die, called Streamlined Coextrusion Die (SCD), with three different die geometries was used to study the onset of interfacial instability. Several commonly used PE/tie combinations were investigated. The PE materials used included LDPE, HDPE and LLDPE of different viscosities. Elongational viscosity was found to be important in detecting the onset of interfacial instability. An attempt was also made to correlate the experimental results to computer simulations.

Coextrusion of LDPEs in the Cast Film Process
Walter Kopytko, Martin Zatloukal, Jiri Vlcek, May 2004

This work shows results of experiments on a coextrusion cast film line and is focused mainly on studying conditions for the onset of zig-zag interfacial instabilities. The measurements were performed for a wide range of LDPEs polymerized by different polymerization methods. It is shown that for a group the materials prepared by a similar polymerization method there exists a critical shear stress value at the interface that determines the onset of the instability. The values determined for different material groups are different and it seems that there is a correlation between the molecular weight distribution width and the critical shear stress value. The broader is the MWD the lower is the critical shear stress value.

Investigation of Interfacial Instabilities in Nanolayer Extrusion
Kicherl Ho, Jun S. Lee, Nantiya Viriyabanthorn, Changmo Sung, Carol M.F. Barry, Joey L. Mead, May 2004

Multilayer structures have been prepared by coextrusion technology using a feedblock with layer multiplying elements (LME) to split the melt stream and then layer the two streams together. Polycarbonate (PC), polypropylene (PP), and a cyclic olefin polymer were extruded to form alternating structures by repeated layer multiplications using the layer multiplying elements. The materials were characterized by microscopy to study the effect of polymer properties and process conditions on layer instabilities. Instabilities were found at the layer interfaces, predominantly in the center of the samples, resulting from high interfacial shear stresses. This could be reduced by increasing the temperature of the LMEs and decreasing the total flow rate of both materials.

The Effect of Using Preheated Pellets in Co-Rotating Twin-Screw Extruders
P.H.M. Elemans, P.W.P.V. Bleiman, H.J. Winkelhorst, May 2004

Experiments with a co-rotating twin-screw extruder show that a considerable throughput increase can be achieved by feeding the extruder with preheated pellets. The use of preheated pellets is also advantageous in that, for a given throughput, the extrusion of preheated pellets requires a lower torque. Thus, when shifting from cold to preheated pellets, the screw speed can be lowered until the original torque is again reached. As a result, the temperature of the exiting melt is lower too. The use of preheated pellets thus gives an extra degree of freedom in terms of the maximum throughput of a given extruder, and control of degradation-sensitive polymers.

Continuous Compounding of EPDM Formulations on Co-rotating, Intermeshing Twin Screw Extruders
Christopher S. Tucker, Gary Williams, May 2004

A 58 mm twin screw trial was run to evaluate machine design, shear and heat transfer effects in a generic EPDM formulation. The effects of product rate, screw speed, screw design, barrel temperature, and screw cooling were evaluated on product temperature, Mooney viscosity, and cure time. Scale up is evaluated in terms of heat transfer (cooling), volumetric and torque limits. Operation at high specific rate, low barrel temperatures, and the use of screw cooling provide improvements for rate. Commercially viable throughput rates were achieved in the trial.

Development of a Stiff, Void Free, Low Density Plastic Wood Replacement
Jim Reilly, Roger Faulkner, Carl Hagberg, May 2004

Process studies attempting to produce a low density, wood like replacement involving Kenaf, Polypropylene and hollow glass spheres (bubbles") blends along with processing aids and compatibilizers have been investigated using a counter-rotating non-intermeshing (CRNI) twin screw extruder. Bubble breakage was higher than anticipated based on related work but in spite of the fairly low bubble survival rates nailability of the boards was improved. Bubble breakage and mechanical properties are presented along with a discussion of the narrow process window."

Realtime Process and Quality Control in Polymer Extrusion - Detection and Sizing of Particulate Inhomogeneities in Flowing Polymer Melts
M. Stephan, S. Grosse, M. Stintz, A. Rudolph, U. Blankschein, May 2004

By application of different unique microphotometric sensors it is possible to detect and quantify disturbing particles (gels, unmolten resins, black spots, additive agglomerates, bubbles) within a flowing polymer melt in realtime during extrusion processing. These particles result in disadvantageous optical and mechanical properties of a final polymer product. Sensors can be adapted inline and online to different extruders at various positions. This seems to give technical and economic benefit to quality control and process optimisation in polymer processing.

Residence Time Distribution in Twin-Screw Extruder Measured by Non-Destructive Ultrasonic Device
S.M. Lee, J.H. Han, Y.J. Ahn, J.G. Kim, J.W. Lee, May 2004

In this study, we performed RTD measurement at the die exit of co-rotating twin screw extruder using a non-destructive ultrasonic device. The ultrasonic device was composed of a steel buffer rod and 10 MHz longitudinal piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer. Steel buffer rod is a safety implement for the protection transducer against hot operating temperature. This in-line method is based on the ultrasonic response of a filled polymer, where the solid particles act as a tracer. To determine RTD, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) was used as a tracer. The RTD measurements involved the use of ultrasonic tracer and the measurement of the variation of ultrasonic signal strength with time caused by the tracer concentration change. The ultrasonic tracer, pellet types of compounded CaCO3 in polymer were used in this study. The effects of CaCO3 concentration on RTD and flow patterns were studied in the extrusion of a thermoplastic resin. Experiments on the residence functions of different screw speed, feeding rate and screw configurations were also carried out.

Hydraulic Conveying of Plastic Pellets
Hans J. Schmidt, May 2004

Today’s plastic production plants can have a yearly capacity of more than 400,000 t. New catalysts enable them to produce a great variety of increasingly softer product grades in the same reactor. Together with logistic concepts that increase conveying distances, the polymer industry has reached the limits of traditional dilute and dense phase pneumatic conveying systems.This paper presents a new concept to convey plastic pellets as water slurry to overcome the limitations of pneumatic conveying. A further benefit of this technology is the gentle handling of attrition sensitive plastics like Polycarbonate and Polyester.

PTFE Paste Extrusion: Effect of Physical Properties of Lubricants
Isaias Ochoa, Savvas G. Hatzikiriakos, May 2004

Preforming and the physical properties of the lubricants play a crucial role on PTFE paste extrusion. Since the most significant effects on liquid migration are due to viscosity and the wettability, the lubricants were characterized in terms of both flow and surface properties. These two properties were altered independently to study their relative effects on PTFE paste processing. Based on this study, it was concluded that preform quality and the extrusion pressure increase with increase of viscosity and improvement in the wettability characteristics of the lubricant.

Study of Processing Behavior of Extrudate PTFE Paste
Shia Chung Chen, Lei-Ti Huang, Ping-Shun Hsu, May 2004

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a remarkable material having high melting temperature, high chemical resistance, low frictional and dielectric coefficients, etc. Due to its high melting point, PTFE cannot be processed using the conventional methods such as the injection molding, extrusion and blow molding, etc. In this research, PTFE is processed by a number of techniques including paste extrusion, rolling and calendering. It is necessary to preform the PTFE powder-lubricant mixture before extrusion to ensure paste densification. The processing behavior of extruded PTFE pastes was first studied. The length of extension zone was changed to investigate the variation of extrusion pressure profile. Two-colored preform paste packed sequentially was used to observe the flow behavior in extrusion process. It was found that the extrusion pressure increases in the reduction zone and decreases after the paste passed the extension zone. Increasing the packing time in the performing will result in a more steady extrusion pressure. Higher extension length would raise the required pressure for paste extrusion. Furthermore, it was also found that an increase in the lubricant content increases the extent of density uniformity. The paste flow exhibits laminar behavior of viscous fluid. However, highly non-Newtonian characteristics and slip boundary also occur.

Comparison of the Flow in Co-Rotating and Counter-Rotating Twin-Screw Extruders
A. Shah, M. Gupta, May 2004

Polymeric flow in intermeshing co-rotating and counter-rotating twin-screw extruders is simulated. Effect of the elongational viscosity of the polymer on the flow in the two extruders is included by using independent Carreau models for the shear and elongational viscosities of the polymer. It is found that for similar screw cross-sections and rotational speed, axial velocity as well as degree of mixing is higher in the co-rotating extruder, whereas pressure build up is higher in the counter-rotating extruder. In contrast to the flow in the co-rotating extruder, where the velocity was always maximum at the screw tips, in the counter rotating extruder the velocity was higher in the intermeshing zone.

Extrusion of HDPE-Wood Blends
Karen Xiao, Costas Tzoganakis, May 2004

In previous studies1-3, both rheological and extrusion characteristics of a 50% wood-HDPE composite as well as its virgin HDPE resin were investigated. In this paper, the extrusion characteristics of the blends made up of these two materials were studied. It was found that for a screw which has the higher compression ratio, for all the blends, the pressures increased with increasing RPM with the exception of 50% HDPE-wood composite at 50RPM; whereas for a screw with lower compression ratio, for the 36% and 50% wood-HDPE blend, there was no pressure generation at any RPM even though the output increased in a nearly linear fashion. The effect of temperature on pressure generation was also looked at and will be presented here. Similar to the previous studies, the experimental results were compared to those simulated using a commercially available computer program, Flow 2000™.

Simulation and Verification on the Drop Test of Mobile Phone Housing
Shia-Chung Chen1, Lei-Ti Huang, Hsing-Ling Wang, Yen Chen Chen, May 2004

Drop test performance has become one of the most crucial evaluations for Computer, Communication, and Consumer (3C) products. Both simulation tool and practical platform for drop test must be established for detailed study. A patented drop test platform is designed for the purpose of impact angle repeatability and instantaneous drop image capture at impact instance. These parameters are two crucial computer-aid-engineering (CAE) inputs used for drop impact simulations. Post data processing procedures such as sampling rate, and signal filtering specifications was also studied and found to be important for the accurate interpretation of drop simulations as well. It was found from simulations that a small angle variation (±5°) may result in up to 36% difference in predicted internal stress. Accurate identification on the impact angle, therefore, is recommended as an important parameter on internal component stress calculation. Good consistency between measured acceleration data and simulated results verifies the practicality of the developed data processing procedure and numerical methodology.

Isolating and Quantifying the Development of Shear vs. Pressure Generated Heat in the Plastic Melt during Injection Molding
Scott Robert Cleveland, Andrew Jackson David Magenau, May 2004

Whether pressure or shearing of a material has a larger effect on its temperature rise through a typical injection molding cycle is a debated subject. Both of these factors may have a theoretical effect, but they have not been quantified. This experiment utilizes temperature and pressure sensing equipment with conventional injection molding to respond to this issue. From the data collected, both shear and pressure heating affects on the melt can be quantified and will be contrasted to that predicted by injection molding simulations.

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Brown, H. L. and Jones, D. H. 2016, May.
"Insert title of paper here in quotes,"
ANTEC 2016 - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA May 23-25, 2016. [On-line].
Society of Plastics Engineers, ISBN: 123-0-1234567-8-9, pp. 000-000.
Available: www.4spe.org.

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