SPE ANTEC® 2020: The Virtual Edition

Keeping Healthy @ ANTEC®

We’re glad you're coming to ANTEC®! We’ve got an amazing program planned. We want you to have the best experience possible. And we want all of our attendees to return home smarter and healthy.

Like you, SPE is concerned about the coronavirus. Listening to the continuous news reports can cause alarm, but there is still a lot we don’t know. Thankfully the USA has not felt any significant impact so far.

Here’s how you can help us all to stay well:

  • Not feeling well? As much as we would love to spend time with you at ANTEC®, please stay home. We promise that you’ll still have access to all those great ANTEC® presentations AND we'll send you an ANTEC® recap. Follow us on Twitter or Instagram to view our live coverage.
  • Washy, washy, washy! Wash your hands every chance you get. That's right wash those hands of yours — wash them for 20 seconds with lots of soap and warm water. Don't forget to use a paper towel to turn the faucet off. Grab an extra paper towel to open that bathroom door. Nah…it's not wasteful…it's a necessary precaution to keep you and everyone else around you healthy.
  • Shhhh…. it's a surprise (well maybe not anymore). SPE is giving away alcohol hand-sanitizer for those in between times. Feel free to grab one.
  • No bro' hugs or high fives please. We can't wait to catchup with SPE volunteers and members too. And we're excited to meet our first timers. But we'll understand if we don't get our hug or handshake this year…it gives us something to look forward to at ANTEC® 2021 in Denver.
  • If you've met our CEO Pat Farrey you know he’s an incredibly friendly guy. He's really unhappy about the "No Bro' hugs or high five" rule. So, he's created a little dance called the "Don't Shake-Do the ANTEC® Bump." How's it done you ask? "Fist. Elbow. Hip. Knee. Come on now do it with me." Want to learn how to do it? He'll be happy to give you a lesson at the ACCLAIM Reception on Sunday evening.
  • We're okay if you touch your "head, shoulders, knees and toes" BUT please avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • At arm's length is actually a good thing…Whenever possible keep a bit of distance between you and the person next to you. It doesn't mean you’re being unfriendly or unsociable…it means you're being cautious. You can still enjoy your networking chat — you may have to speak just a tiny bit louder.
  • Yes, our moms were all very proud of us when we learned how to share. After all sharing is ALWAYS good. But is it? So, you get a "special" drink at the Welcome Reception and one of your colleagues says "Wow, that looks good-what are you drinking? Can I have a sip?" You think NBD — after all you’ve let he/she/them take a sip of your drink at past ANTEC's AND you've known he/she/them forever. You’re about to hand over your drink when a little voice in your head screams "NO STOP — DON'T DO IT!" Listen to that voice. Avoid sharing food, beverages and utensils — it stops the spread of germs. I promise that your mom will still be proud of you, even if it's for not-sharing.
  • Coughing and Sneezing 101 — A lesson in coughing and sneezing properly at ANTEC® 2020: Coughing into a tissue and throwing the tissue in the garbage is a great idea if you have a tissue handy and you can wash your hands with soap or use SPE hand sanitizer immediately after. But sometimes you just don’t have a tissue handy. What to do? Cough into the crook of your elbow. It's just as easy as coughing into your hand. And since you won't be opening any doors with your elbow, the chance of spreading germs drops dramatically.
  • During ANTEC® you start to feel unwell? If it's because you've stayed up too late or had a few too many we can't help you. But if you're feeling feverish, develop a cough, feel short of breath or have a hard time breathing immediately seek medical attention.
  • We have established the SPE ANTEC® HEALTHCARE HOTLINE. If you need medical help of any kind, we will help you find the attention you need — 24/7 during the conference.

Call the SPE ANTEC® HEALTHCARE HOTLINE Concierge at +1 203.740.5425 if you need help during your visit to San Antonio.


This program is provided as a service to the plastics industry. The views and opinions expressed on this or any SPE program are those of the Speaker(s) and/or the persons appearing with the Speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. (SPE) or its officials, employees or designees. To comment or to express an opposing opinion, please contact us at info@4SPE.org.

Copyright & Permission to Use

SPE may take photographs and audio/video recordings during the conference, pre-conference meetings and receptions that may include attendees within sessions, networking areas, exhibition areas, and other areas associated with the conference both inside and outside of the venue. By registering for this event, all attendees are providing permission for SPE to use this material at its discretion on SPE's websites, marketing materials, and publications. SPE retains ownership of copyright to all photographs and audio/video recording obtained at this event and attendees may request copies of any material in which they are included.

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