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Conference Proceedings

The Influence of Processing Variables and Two-Way Interactions on the Weldline Strength of Injection Molded Parts
SHEN Changyu, WANG Lixia, Li Qian, LU Shufen, May 2007

Strength is an important performance of the injection molded parts. Obtaining sufficient mechanical strength is quite needed for some parts. Weldline developing in the part significantly reduces the strength of the parts. Strength of the parts is affected by many factors. In this report, An L27 Orthogonal Array designed based on the Taguchi method was conducted to investigate the effect of process parameters and two-way interactions on the strength of injection molded parts with weldline and without weldline. The main effects of the factors and two-way interactions were estimated, and the relative significances of each processing parameter and interaction on the strength were analyzed.

Mold Cooling Analysis for Injection Molding Process Using Fast Multipole Method
Kwon-il Choi, Bon-Heung Koo, May 2007

Mold cooling process in injection molding is critical in order to reduce cycle time and improve the quality of molded part. In this paper, a fully three-dimensional mold cooling analysis is developed. Mold heat transfer is considered as cyclic-steady, three-dimensional conduction: heat transfer within the part is treated as a 3D transient heat conduction; heat exchange between the cooling channel surfaces and coolant is treated as a cycle-averaged steady state three-dimensional heat conduction. Numerical implementation includes the application of a hybrid scheme consisting of a 3D BEM based on FMM for mold region and a CVFEM for part. The FMM algorithm dramatically reduces the complexity of matrix-vector multiplication involving a certain type of dense matrix, which can arise out of many physical systems. The present analysis is then used to predict the temperature field for a 3D plastic part geometry.

Evaluation of Molecular Orientation of Weldline Region in Polycarbonate by Laser Raman Spectroscopy
Koji Yamada, Kiyotaka Tomari, May 2007

Molecular orientation in weldline region in injection molded polycarbonate was investigated by polarized laser-Raman spectroscopy. The relative intensity ratio of two specific peaks in a spectrum was determined as an index of molecular orientation in accordance with an earlier report. The intensity ratio of the peaks showed the highest value at the point ca. 30 ?m apart from the V-notch at the surface of the specimen. The orientation direction was found to be parallel to the weldline. The birefringence, ?n, of this point was estimated to be 2.64×10-3 from the results of another study to determine the relationship between Raman peak intensity and birefringence. This value corresponded to ca. 2.5 % of the intrinsic birefringence of polycarbonate, 0.106. Meanwhile, the birefringence of V-notch itself was calculated to be 0.59×10-3, lower than that of the surroundings. Although a similar tendency was found at the area ca. 100 ?m inside from the surface, the birefringence itself was slightly lower than that of the surface. These results suggest that molecular orientation increases near the weldline due to convergent flow, while the molecules at the interface of the weldline relax. Thus laser-Raman spectroscopy provides some important clues to understand the flow behavior around weldline.

Excimer Laser Ablation of Polystyrene-Clay Nanocomposites
I-Ta Chang, Erol Sancaktar, May 2007

The ablation behavior of injection molded polystyrene (PS)-Organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT) nanocomposites by 248 nm KrF excimer laser irradiation were investigated for different OMMT concentration and melt-blending conditions. The surface structures induced by excimer laser ablation were also studied using SEM. Results indicate that PS-OMMT nanocomposites show improved or decreased resistance to excimer laser irradiation depending on the OMMT concentration. The dispersion state of OMMT may play an important role in excimer laser ablation behavior of PSOMMT nanocomposites.

Removal of Oxygen Dissolved in Thermoplastic Resin for Gentle Processing
Dirk Schmiederer, Ines Kühnert, Ernst Schmachtenberg, May 2007

The effect of temperature and time on desorption of Oxygen dissolved in thermoplastic resin has been investigated. Exclusion of Oxygen is presently studied to reduce thermo-oxidative degradation in injection molding. A desorption fixture with an oxygen-sensor has been used to measure while a model has been implemented to calculate the amount of Oxygen dissolved in thermoplastic resins in dependence of desorption parameters. Results indicate a good match of experimentally attained and calculated values and a high potential for gentle processing by exclusion of Oxygen.

Crystallinity Development during Spinning of Polypropylene Part II: Fiber Spinning Model Validation
Rajen Patel, Antonios K. Doufas, Rajesh Paradkar, Ed Knickerbocker, May 2007

The original Doufas-McHugh (1,2) two-phase microstructural/constitutive model for stress-induced crystallization (SIC) is validated for its predictive capability using on-line Raman crystallinity and spinline tension data of two Dow homopolymer polypropylene resins. The material parameters – inputs to the model – are shown to be obtained from lab scale material characterization data: oscillatory shear (DMS), rheotens and DSC. The same set of two SIC material parameters are shown to be able to predict the crystallinity profiles along the spinline and tension very well overall. The model captures quantitatively the effect of take-up speed, throughput and MFR on crystallization rate due to SIC

Rheometer Compliance Effects: Viscoelastic Measurements on Small Molecule Glass Formers and a PDMS Rubber
Stephen A. Hutcheson, Gregory B. McKenna, May 2007

Effects of instrument compliance can induce large errors on shear measurements of elastic and viscoelastic properties of materials [1,2]. These effects are caused not only by the transducer but also the machine itself (load frame), and the rheometer fixtures. We present examples of rheometer compliance effects on the measurement of the material properties of small molecule glass formers and a commercially available polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) rubber. A TA Instruments ARES Rheometer was used with a strain gage transducer (Honeywell-Sensotec). Stress relaxation, aging experiments, and dynamic frequency sweep experiments were performed. We also propose a procedure to correct for compliance effects in stress relaxation experiments and dynamic frequency sweep experiments. Suggestions are made for both instrument and experimental design to avoid and/or reduce compliance effects.

Effect of Two Compatibilizers Having Comonomer in Polypropylene/Clay Nanocomposites
Byeong-Uk Nam, Dong-won Kim, Baek-Jin Kim, May 2007

Nanocomposites prepared by PP(Polypropylene) based compatibilizers modified with GMA(Glycidyl methacrylate) and HEMA(Hydroxyethyl methacrylate) were used to investigate the clay dispersion and mechanical properties of them. XRD patterns showed the improvement of dispersion through clay intercalation according to the compatibilizers and comonomer. GMA modified polypropylene gave the better mechanical properties of the nanocomposite with respect to the balance of Flexural modulus (FM) and Notched izod impact strength(IS). Compatibilizers with comonomer commonly have higher grafting yield and lower melt flow rate than those of comonomer free. And they enhanced the clay dispersion and mechanical properties of nanocomposites. Optimum ratio of monomer to comonomer for nanocomposites having better mechanical properties is about 1 to 1 ratio.

Improving the Toughness of Poly(Lactic Acid)(PLA) through Co-Continuous, Immiscible, Biodegradable Blends with PHA
Jinkoo Lee, Stephen McCarthy, May 2007

Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and Polyhydroxy octanoate (PHO) were melt blended using a torque rheometer in the ratios of 80/20, 60/40, 50/50, 40/60, and 20/80. In this study, the rheological, thermal, and mechanical properties of the blends were investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that the two components in these blends were found with two crystalline phases and two amorphous phases confirming the coexistence of two immiscible components. The addition of modified PHO in PLA increased the toughness of the PLA and increased the elongation to break more than 158%. Results obtained from rheological test indicated that the melt viscosities of PLA/modified PHO decreased as a function of modified PHO content.

Application of Composites in the Sulfur Acid Production
Valery G. Makarov, Rakhil M. Sinelnikova, May 2007

Chemical resistant epoxy vinyl ester resins serve the needs of a wide range of process in sulfur acid production at petrochemical enterprises with final FRP products, such as chimney liner, process pipes, ducts and scrubbers.Operation of the process equipment does not exclude occurrence of extreme situations at the moment of start-up and stop of manufacture: rises of temperature, influences of more concentrated environments, mechanical loading. The results of physical property testing after 3 years of service of the FRP products, such as chimney liner, pipes, ducts exposed to sulfur acid production, are considered.The damages of chemically resistant layer of FRP connected with extreme situations are discussed.The maximum temperature of application of chemically resistant layer, established during researches in a sulfur acid of different concentrations, is presented in this article.

Axial Transport in Kneader Reactors
Daniel U. Witte, May 2007

Whereas for bulk and liquids, gravity is the main transport mechanism for conveying material through vessels, different transport mechanisms are involved for conveying high viscosity fluids. Screws have been used for forced conveying of all those material behaviors and are well described in literature. This paper describes transport mechanism for viscous fluids in kneader reactors, which are not covered in that literature so far. In those reactors the fluid can flow backwards due to the open flight design and the net flow has to be computed as a cascade of communicating chambers. Empirical data is presented both on pilot and industrial scale equipment and a model is presented.

Oil Extension of Olefin Block Copolymers

The Dow Chemical Company introduced INFUSE™ Olefin Block Copolymers in June 2006. Olefin Block Copolymers are polyolefins with blocks of hard (highly rigid) and soft (highly elastomeric) segments. Because of this block structure, Olefin Block Copolymers break the traditional relationship of flexibility and heat resistance, while offering significantly improved compression set and elastic recovery. This paper will discuss how the performance balance of these new resins can be further enhanced by incorporation of oil, allowing Olefin Block Copolymers to enter markets and applications that are currently served by high performance soft thermoplastic elastomers.

Nanomechanical Properties of Ultrathin Polymers
Shanhong Xu, Paul A. O’Connell, Gregory B. McKenna, May 2007

We have developed a novel microbubble inflation method to measure the viscoelastic properties of ultrathin polymer films over a range of stresses and temperatures. The method is capable of measuring the biaxial creep compliance response of films as thin as 13 nm. We summarize some prior experiments that show a dramatic stiffening of both poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) and polystyrene (PS) in the rubbery regime at the reduced thickness but a material specific degree of reduction in the glass transition temperature. In addition, we show preliminary results of creep recovery experiments and thin film rupture images that suggest that the method can be used for a broader range of mechanical measurements than originally anticipated.

Evaluation of Nanoparticulate Fillers for Shape Memory Polyurethane Nanocomposites
I. Sedat Gunes, Feina Cao, Guillermo A. Jimenez, Sadhan C. Jana, May 2007

The objective of this work was to evaluate nano and micro size fillers on shape memory (SM) properties of polyurethane nanocomposites. The matrix material was synthesized from diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), 1,4-butanediol (BD), and polycaprolactonediol (PCL). Organoclay, carbon nanofiber, carbon black, and silicon carbide were selected as fillers. Our results indicate that exfoliated organoclay augments SM performance significantly, while other fillers diminish it by interfering with the soft segment crystallinity and/or hard segment phase separation. Better SM properties with organoclay can be attributed to mechanical reinforcement without interfering with crystallinity and phase separation.

Analysis for Pressure Profile Behavior of Mixtures of PS with R22 Blowing Agent in a Single Screw Extruder
Kun Chang Lin, Ming-Tsai Liang, Chia-Hsun Chen, Chen-Feng Kuan, Hsu-Chiang Kuan, May 2007

Both experiments and numerical studies were conducted to investigate the PS foam screw characteristics with R22 blowing agent in a single screw extruder. Five thermocouples and pressure transducers are equipped in this extruder. R22 is the blowing agent for this study, which is injected into the extruder at 18.4D with temperature around 200°C. Without the blowing agent, it is found that the pressure monotonously increases along the screw axis after the distance of 24D. However, the pressure profile changes after the blowing agent is injected. A hybrid FEM/FDM was applied to predict the Q-P characteristic curves for PS and PS foam extrusion.

Use of Dimensionless Numbers in Analyzing Injection Molding and Extrusion Processes
Natti S. Rao, Ranganath Shastri, May 2007

Dimensionless analysis is a powerful tool in analyzing the transient heat transfer and flow processes accompanying melt flow in an injection mold or cooling in blown film,to quote a couple of examples. However, because of the nature of non-Newtonian polymer melt flow the dimensionless numbers used to describe flow and heat transfer processes of Newtonian fluids have to be modified for polymer melts. This paper describes how an easily applicable equation for the cooling of melt in a spiral flow in injection molds has been derived on the basis of modified dimensionless numbers and verified by experiments. Analyzing the air gap dynamics in extrusion coating is another application of dimensional analysis.

Difference in Thermoforming Processability Observed for Three High Impact Polystyrenes
Caroline Woelfle, Kurt Koppi, Stephane Costeux, Todd Hogan, Joe Dooley, Ronald Van Daele, Alexander De Bokx, Alexander Droste, Sjoerd De Vries, Jerome Claracq, Berend Hoek, Rudi Salmang, May 2007

The difference in thermoforming processability of three STYRON* high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) resins was investigated. Experiments were performed on a moldbottle thermoformer as well as a step-case tool thermoformer. Disparities observed were analyzed in terms of differences in rheological properties of the resins. Conclusions were drawn as to which rheological characteristics the resins should possess in order to give the largest temperature processing window coupled with high quality thermoformed parts.

Mechanical Hole Burning Spectroscopy in the Vicinity of the ODT for an SIS Block Copolymer
Qian Qin, Gregory B. McKenna, Xiangfu Shi, May 2007

We describe results for experiments in which a novel rheological technique is applied to a styrene-isoprene-styrene triblock copolymer in the vicinity of the order-disorder transition. Mechanical Hole Burning Spectroscopy (MSHB) was developed to probe dynamic heterogeneity in polymers. In this technique, a large amplitude oscillatory strain (LAOS) is imposed on a sample as a perturbation, and is followed by a small step strain. The relaxation response is then compared with that without the LAOS perturbation. It has been assumed that mechanical holes for heterogeneous systems. For homogeneous systems no hole would result. Here the heterogeneity of a tri-block copolymer was investigated in the vicinity of its order-disorder transition and it was found that the mechanical hole intensity gradually decreases as the phase boundary is approached from the ordered regime. At the one-phase or the disordered region, no apparent holes were observed.

Nanocomposites Based on Ionic Liquid Modified Clays
M. Xanthos, N.H. Kim, J.U. Ha, S.V. Malhotra, May 2007

Cationic nanoclays were treated with various novel modifiers based on ionic liquids of different structure and/or molecular weight. Initial experiments with short chain dialkyl imidazolium and monoalkyl pyridinium based modifiers were followed by treatments with phosphonium based ionic liquids having longer chain cations. The modified clays, characterized by spectroscopy, thermal analysis, microscopy and X-ray diffraction, were melt compounded with polypropylene. The effects of the ionic liquid structure and chain length on extent of clay dispersion, intercalation and thermal stability were investigated.

Prediction of Polyethylene Melt Index and Molecular Weight Distribution Using a Capillary Rheometer
William G. Todd, Victor L. Olenius, Jean Merrick Mack, May 2007

Polyethylene, PE, is characterized by molecular weight (MW), molecular weight distribution (MWD) and density. Melt index (MI2) is measured in the QC lab and is used as an indication of resin MW. Melt flow ratio (MFR or MI20/MI2) is a calculated QC lab number, which is used as an indication of MWD. Density is a measure of crystallinity. In polyethylene production, having fast reliable feedback on MW and MWD is critical for producing high quality resins. This article describes a novel/unique idea how a capillary rheometer can be used to predict MI2 and MI20.

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Brown, H. L. and Jones, D. H. 2016, May.
"Insert title of paper here in quotes,"
ANTEC 2016 - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA May 23-25, 2016. [On-line].
Society of Plastics Engineers, ISBN: 123-0-1234567-8-9, pp. 000-000.
Available: www.4spe.org.

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